Friday, December 12, 2008

Colon Cancer - General Information

Cancer of the colon is also called colorectal cancer as it can arise in both the colon (the lower part of the digestive tract) and in the very lowest section of the colon, which is known as the rectum. It is a serious condition that affects the colon, the rectum and the appendix. In this disease, which is often insidious in its development, malignant cells proliferate in the tissues of the colon.One of the more obvious presentations of colon cancer is chronic blood loss in the stool, often dark blood or black patches in the stools themselves. Colon cancer is among the commonest cancers in the Western world, with more than 104000 new diagnoses being made every year. The most important risk factor for colon cancer is getting older; it is most commonly diagnosed in people over the age of 50. Although many women complacently believe that bowel cancer is a man's disease, the incidence of colon cancer is essentially the same among men and women. Colon cancer is a killer, but this is because it is not caught by the medical profession at an early stage. When cancer of the colon is caught in its early stages (with little metastatic spread) it can be 100% curable. Colonic cancer is one of those unusual cancers where testing and screening can prevent the disease. Failure to do so is responsible for the high mortality rate associated with this condition. It may be assumed that patients may be partly to blame; due to the embarrassment factor many people are reluctant or afraid to have their bottoms examined, but this is not the full picture. Unfortunately, the most common symptom of colon polyps and colon cancer is no symptoms at all, so the patient can't be blamed for that.Whilst research on the genetic basis of colon cancer is ongoing, it is thought that diet plays a part. This type of cancer is encouraged by diets rich in animal fats and discouraged by diets full of vegetables. This is a reason why colon cancer is rarer in the Far East where there is less fat in the diet. Most of the time, diagnosis of localized colon cancer is made via colonoscopy, where a flexible tube is placed into the colon with a tiny camera. This procedure can be done under sedation for more squeamish patients. Another diagnostic test which can be utilized is double contrast barium enema. Once cancer has been found in the colon, staging tests are performed to find out whether the cancer has spread and, if so, to what degree. Colon cancer is staged (given a number, e.g. Stage 1, Stage 2, etc) according to the size of the tumor and if it has become invasive (spreading to surrounding tissues). Experts theorize that colon cancer is one of the most preventable forms of cancer - if you take the right steps. Eat a healthy, fiber-rich diet and always visit the Doctor if you have any doubts at all. Pain or discomfort in the bowel, or blood in the stool, should all be indicators that you should be examined. If regular screening is available, conquer your embarrassment and get yourself checked out. Remember - catch it early and it's 100% curable!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Breast Cancer Treatment - Exploring The Two Most Popular Alternatives

Every year, more than 1.2 million people are told they have breast cancer. Very rarely, even men will develop this disease. Breast cancer is second only to heart disease as the leading killer of adult aged women in America. Thanks to recent advancements in medical science, being diagnosed with breast cancer doesn't have to be the death sentence it once was. It is now possible to detect and get breast cancer treatment done at an early stage.

Breast Cancer Treatment Stages

Breast cancer treatment depends on how advanced the cancer is. TNM Staging is commonly used worldwide to judge what treatment is necessary. Judging the tumor, or tumors, the nodes and if it has transferred to a different part of the body, also known as metastases. Once these items have been evaluated, the doctor will decide on a course of treatment.

The two main types of cancer are high grade and low grade. High-grade cancer is when there is a large risk of the cancer coming back even after surgery. In this case, chemotherapy will be prescribed once the patient has healed from surgery. Some cancer specialists may opt out of surgery if the cancer has not spread to other parts of the body beyond the breast. Since it is still in one area, chemotherapy may be the first course of treatment, which may be combined with radiotherapy.

The earlier you find the cancer, the easier it will be to treat and the more options you will have. The early stage is defined when the cancer has not spread to other places in the body outside of the breast. Depending on how far the cancer has gone, there are several types of surgical options open for breast cancer treatment.

Conservative Surgery

The most common type of surgery for breast cancer treatment is called conservative surgery. This is when the surgeon removes the diseased tissue from the breast, being careful not to take too much healthy tissue. While he is removing the cancer, a small amount of healthy tissue is removed as well. This is then sent to the lab for evaluation. If the lab reports that it is 'clear' or 'healthy', the surgeon knows he got all the cancer.

Care and Treatment for Post Breast Cancer Surgery

Hormone therapy is one of the post-surgery options you have. When the tumor is determined to be sensitive to estrogen, this is the common treatment. The higher the tumors estrogen receptor level, the more benefits will come from hormone therapy.

Another option for post surgery breast cancer treatment is chemotherapy. Depending on the size and how aggressive the cancer is, this may be used before surgery to reduce the size of the tumor.


Chemotherapy is the most commonly used breast cancer treatment. This treatment uses drugs to destroy any cancer cells it finds. These are called anti-cancer drugs. Some chemotherapy drugs are given on their own, some are offered in combination chemotherapy doses. There are over fifty drugs used when giving chemotherapy treatments. The type of treatment received depends, again, on how far the caner has spread and where in the body it was first found.

When receiving chemotherapy, it is given in short doses, followed by periods of rest. Chemotherapy is very hard on your body and can make the patient very sick. Recovery periods are essential to the overall health of the patent. While the chemotherapy kills the cancer cells, it will leave the patient weak. Resting periods give non-cancerous cells the chance to recover.

While chemotherapy and surgery are the main ways to treat breast cancer, there are various treatments available. Research is always your best tool so you know your options when it comes to treatments and surgery. Cancer treatments are getting more successful all the time. If one type of breast cancer treatment doesn't work for you, another may. Don't give up hope!


Cancer treatments are getting more advanced all the time. Breast cancer is second only to heart disease as the leading killer of adult aged women, with 1.2 million new cases each year. Breast cancer treatment has more options the earlier you catch it.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Characteristics and Causes of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is not just one disease but rather a group of diseases. All forms of cancer cause cells in the body to change and grow out of control. Most types of cancer cells form a lump or mass called a tumor. Cells from the tumor can break away and travel to other parts of the body where they can continue to grow.

This spreading process is called metastasis. When cancer spreads, it is still named after the part of the body where it started. For example, if breast cancer spreads to the lungs, it is still breast cancer, not lung cancer.

Another word for cancerous is malignant, so a cancerous tumor is referred to as malignant. But not all tumors are cancer. A tumor that is not cancer is called benign. Benign tumors do not grow and spread the way cancer does. They are usually not a threat to life.

A few cancers, such as blood cancers (leukemia), do not form a tumor. Most cancers are named after the part of the body where the cancer first starts. Lung cancer begins in the lungs. The lungs are two sponge-like organs in the chest. The right lung has three sections, called lobes. The left lung has two lobes. It is smaller because the heart takes up more room on that side of the body.

The lungs bring air in and out of the body, taking in oxygen and getting rid of carbon dioxide gas, a waste product. The lining around the lungs, called the pleura, helps to protect the lungs and allows them to move during breathing. The windpipe (trachea) brings air down into the lungs. It divides into tubes called bronchi, which divide into smaller branches called bronchioles. At the end of these small branches are tiny air sacs known as alveoli.

Most cancers of the lungs start in the lining of the bronchi but they can also begin in other areas such as the trachea, bronchioles, or alveoli. Lung cancer often takes many years to develop. Once the cancer occurs, cancer cells can break away and spread to other parts of the body.

Cancer of the lung is a life- threatening disease because it often spreads in this way before it is found. It is the leading cause of cancer death for both men and women. During the year 2000 there will be about 164,100 new cases of lung cancer in this country. About 156,900 people will die of this disease: about 89,300 men and 67,600 women.

More people die of cancer of the lung than of colon, breast, and prostate cancers combined. Lung cancer is fairly rare in people under the age of 40. The average age of people found to have cancer of the lungs is 60. If the cancer is found and treated by surgery early, before it has spread to lymph nodes or other organs, the five-year survival rate is about 42%.

However, few cancers of the lung are found at this early stage. The five-year survival rate for all stages of lung cancer combined was 14% in 1995, the last year for which we have national data. A risk factor is something that increases a person's chance of getting a disease. Some risk factors, like smoking, can be controlled. Others, such as a person's age, can't be changed.

Smoking is by far the leading risk factor for lung cancer. More than 8 out of 10 diagnosed cancers of the lungs are thought to result from smoking. The longer a person has been smoking, and the more packs per day smoked, the greater the risk. If a person stops smoking before cancer develops, the lung tissue slowly returns to normal. Stopping smoking at any age lowers the risk of lung cancer.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Prostate Cancer Diet:Boost Your Immunity With Isoflavones and Polyphenols

One of the biggest risk factors associated with the incidence of prostate cancer is diet. The Westernized diet of red meat and saturated fat is thought to significantly contribute to the probability of an individual developing prostate cancer and so a prostate cancer diet should be started as early on in life as possible.

Men living in Eastern countries and especially Asia have a much lower incidence rate of prostate cancer than American men for example. This is possibly because Asian men eat a much healthier diet than most Americans. In addition, when Asian men relocate to a Westernized country the probability of them developing the condition gradually rises until it equals that of native men.

Hence, it would seem logical that the prostate cancer diet needs to contain all of the ingredients that are commonly found in an Eastern diet while cutting out the unhealthy saturated fats and simple carbohydrates that are found in so many Westernized foods i.e. fast foods, take-aways etc. This simple change in diet may have a tremendous effect on prostate health in general.

Researchers are currently devoting a lot of time to analysing the Eastern diet and trying to find out what it contains that makes it a good prostate cancer nutrition diet. So far the emphasis is being placed on two particular nutrients; isoflavones and polyphenols which are found in soy and green tea respectively.

Isoflavones are thought to stop the process of abnormal cell growth and so if ingested in relatively concentrated amounts can reduce the incidence of cancer which is, in simple terms, a mass of abnormal cells. They do this by inhibiting the effects of the sex hormones and in particular testosterone on the prostate gland meaning that it is less likely to become cancerous.

Isoflavones can be found in soy and so a prostate cancer nutrition diet should contain a larger than normal amount of soy products. Even if further research finds that isoflavones are not an effective prostate cancer nutrition supplement they are still a necessary part of the diet and should be included either way.

Polyphenols are also thought to hinder the growth process of abnormal cells so that tumours grow and form blood supplies a lot slower than normal. Polyphenols are found in relatively large quantities in green tea, another suggested ingredient for an effective prostate cancer nutrition diet. Just how much tea needs to be drunk for the polyphenols to have an effect is as yet unknown however researchers are currently trying to isolate the nutrient and make it more potent, meaning that less would have to be ingested per day.

Thus, it is possible to boost your immunity to prostate cancer by making a few changes and eating a prostate cancer diet. Start including isoflavones and polyphenols in your meals today!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Prostate Cancer Treatment: What You Need To Find Out

Being diagnosed with prostate cancer is a big shock for anyone however you should not immediately write your life off as there are a number of very successful prostate cancer treatments now available.

You will need to meet with your oncologist to fully discuss your options and to decide which type of treatment is best for you. This will depend to some extent on the progression of your cancer as some types of prostate cancer treatments are not suitable for late stage and terminal cases. Your decision will also need to take into account which side effects you can cope with as some men find that impotence and urinary incontinence cause more distress than the actual cancer.

Your individual circumstances will also have an effect on the treatment you receive. Age, overall health, other medical problems and the amount of emotional support you have at home and at work all need to be taken in to consideration. Your oncologist will be able to weigh up the details and decide on the best course of treatment; however, if you find yourself disagreeing with anything they suggest you must say so as only you know how you feel and how you will cope with the recommended prostate cancer treatment.

One of the biggest things to consider when choosing a form of prostate cancer treatment is what you want to achieve. Many men simply want to be rid of the disease and do not have a problem with the possibility of long-lasting side effects such as incontinence however younger individuals often decide that they would rather choose an alternative option with a lower success rate but less severe side effects. This decision is ultimately down to you and your preferences for the future should also be discussed with your oncologist before making any decisions.

Your age will also play a large part in which prostate cancer treatment you choose. Elderly men i.e. 70+ often decide to do nothing with regards to treatment as prostate cancer is in many cases a very slow growing disease and so the symptoms may not be felt during a lifetime. Alternatively you may wish to look into the possibility of hormone therapy which slows down the diseases progression but does not actually do anything to treat it, and there are no embarrassing side effects attached.

If you have not yet reached your 70th birthday or you have and are still young at heart then other prostate cancer treatments need to be considered. Surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are the commonly used treatments and any combination of the three can be incorporated into a regime to suit you.

Ultimately however the decision is down to you. Talk to your family and your oncologist and consider your options carefully. Every case is different and needs to be treated on an individual basis so decide what it is you want to achieve and go from there.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

How Women Can Protect Themselves From Getting Breast Cancer

Chances are you know someone - a family member, colleague, or friend who has been affected by cancer. You'll want to learn more about prevention especially if you have a history of cancer in your family. There are over two hundred different types of cancer and the most common one for women is breast cancer. The lifetime probability of a woman developing breast cancer is 1 in 9. The good news is that it is possible for women to protect themselves from breast cancer. When breast cancer is discovered and treated early, the chances for recovery are better.

Every woman should know their own breasts so that any changes are noticed soon and can be reported to a physician. Knowing your breasts includes having a mammogram every two years if you are between the ages of 50 and 69 and getting a clinical breast exam by a doctor or trained health professional at least every two years from the age of 40. Regardless of age, all women should do their own monthly breast self-examination a few days after her period. When doing breast self-examination, things to look for include: puckering of the skin, the appearance of what is sometimes called 'orange peel skin', any place in your breasts that feels lumpy or harder than the rest and bleeding from the nipples or crusting.

It is important to note that most breast problems are not breast cancer and most lumps are not cancerous. When a lump is not cancerous it is referred to as 'benign'. A cancerous lump is called 'malignant'.

While there are no cures yet, researchers have discovered that a healthy lifestyle is the best way to prevent cancer. Since cancer is a disease that starts in our cells, everything we eat and are exposed to can affect them. Choose to be a non-smoker and avoid second-hand smoke. In regards to diet, choose a variety of lower fat, high fiber foods. Studies have shown that intake of total fat, saturated fat and meat are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. Maintain a healthy body weight and limit alcohol consumption. Protect yourself from the sun. At home and at work, follow health and safety instructions when using hazardous materials. The link between an active lifestyle and breast cancer prevention is as yet unclear but general health is improved when regular exercise is an integral part of a person's lifestyle.

Taking care of ourselves is an ongoing commitment that requires self-discipline and knowledge. It is well worth the effort and you'll feel much better for it.

Orchietomy For Prostate Cancer Treatment

Orchietomy is a radical prostate cancer treatment in which the testicles are completely removed. This is done because most cases of prostate cancer develop and progress because of the presence of male sex hormones, or more specifically testosterone and this hormone is produced by the testes.

This type of prostate cancer treatment is a form of hormone therapy which works by manipulating the hormone levels in the body so that the cancerous cells stop growing and dividing. While this therapy is known to have a positive effect on the cancer you must realise that the operation is non-reversible and the chances of your sex life being affected are virtually 100%.

Men who have undergone this form of prostate cancer treatment often report that their libido decreases and so does their desire to have sex. Unfortunately even when they do have the desire for sexual intercourse they may find themselves to be impotent and this can lead to psychological problems in the long term. These side affects of orchietomy are very common and you should take them in to account and discuss them with your partner before you decide to undergo this form of prostate cancer treatment.

Other side effects of this radical prostate cancer treatment are associated with the unbalancing of the male and female hormone levels within the body. By removing the testicles the concentration of testosterone in your body will be reduced by around 90% however the concentration of oestrogen, the female hormone will remain the same. This means that on occasion breast tenderness, growth of the breast tissue and osteoporosis can develop. Other side effects include anaemia, weight gain, and depression and fatigue however your oncologist will be able to explain each of the side effects in much more detail.

Before deciding for or against this form of prostate cancer treatment you need to decide what exactly you want to get out of the treatment. If you want to eliminate the cancer from your body then an orchietomy is a possibility however there are other ways to remove the cancer totally and these alternative treatments have fewer and less severe side effects. If however you are 60+ and do not want to have surgery then this procedure is not for you and radiation therapy can be used to simply control the growth of the cancer. Similarly if you are still relatively young and do not want to be plagued with impotence and lack of sex drive then, again, an orchietomy is probably not the prostate cancer treatment for you.

Because impotence is a major side effect of this radical prostate cancer treatment you should think long and hard before agreeing to anything. Talk to your partner and your oncologist and look into the alternative forms of treatment. There may be a better one for you that only has temporary side effects so that after a few weeks or months you can once again enjoy a full sex life.